As part of my new podcast season, TAROT 2021, I’ve been pulling a card for each week of the new year. |

The tarot is a way of understanding what is happening in our physical and metaphysical world, but it is important to remember that the foundation of the tarot deck is always LOVE.  

This week’s card is the Ace of Swords. Here are some basics:

  1. In the Tarot, the suit of Swords is always interpreted as relating to ideas and mental processes. Swords refers to your creativity, your good ideas, your insightfulness, your innovation. Swords are sharp, honed, ready for use. 
  2. The Ace of any suit always signifies newness, a beginning. As the first card in the suit, this is appropriate. 
  3. In my preferred Tarot deck, the Rider Waite, the background picture in the Ace of Swords card is mountains—this signifies that there are challenges on the road ahead, that you’ll need to equip yourself with mental resiliency and clarity for the journey, and that societally, we’re about to surmount something… that collectively, we’re on the verge of a breakthrough. 
  4. My takeaway when pulling this card is to cultivate a consistent meditation practice. For some ideas on where to start with meditation, try revisiting the meditation specials of our Snow Wellness podcast. On the whole, I would recommend that this card signifies that we should use this time to plant new seeds for what you would like to see in your life this year. 
  5. Swords represent both the power to create and the power of destruction—with the Ace of Swords, it is important to remember that with power comes responsibility. Recognize your own power and consider how you might use it in ways which give back, rather than ways which take away. 

You may be new to Tarot—It is really important to be doing your own spiritual, mental, emotional and physical development in order to be clear enough to pull cards that give you good intuitive guidance. This is the same with all intuitive tools.

When I pull tarot cards, I am actively using a pendulum and my own intuition in order to know what the right card is for the questioner, even if the questioner is myself. F you need guidance with Tarot, or if you would like me to do a personal reading for you, please schedule a session.

Be sure to tune in to our podcast next week, when we are going to do a meditation on how to do an initial clearing on yourself so that you can be in a receptive place to receive and interpret the messages from the tarot.  

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