If you have never had a session with me, you might not be sure what to expect. Is it counseling? Is it meditation? Is it like having a personality assessment? Is it a way to realign your chakras? Is it a time to vent to somebody who will listen? 

The short answer is: yes, a session with me is all of these things, but it is also much more than that. The purpose of meeting with me is to re-establish a relationship with the spiritual world, with the love of the universe, and to work together to help you find clarity—mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. This kind of clarity work comes from the idea that there are impediments to whether a person can access the source energy of the universe. Our work together will help you, over time, to remove those impediments so that you can be your full, uninterrupted self in connection with the oneness of the universe. 

Of course, this is all heady stuff that we will continue to discuss during our time together. But for now, let me break down the structure of what you can expect from our first meeting. 


I like to start every session with a brief explanation of my shamanic philosophy, and by getting to know you a little bit more—if this is your first session with me, odds are good that we might not know each other at all. Just like any meeting with anyone else, the first step is getting familiar with one another. 

Set an intention

At this point, I find it helpful for you to set an intention for our time together. What is it that you’re wanting to work through first? What is bothering you, or keeping you up at night? Is there anything weighing on you that you need to get off your chest? Where could you use a little direction? Setting an intention helps me focus on the area of your life that you’d like addressed first. 


After you set an intention, our real work together begins. What we do really depends on the person, on your circumstances and on your intention. We might chat a little more about your work, if your intention deals with an issue in your professional life. We might discuss your personal life, if that’s where you need guidance. Or we might do a few meditative or breathing exercises together. Regardless of the situation or intention, our time together is led by what you want to get out of it. 


If we have time before the end of the session, or if it will help guide the work we do together, I might conduct a few readings—measuring your energy using many intuitive tools, like a pendulum, oracle cards, or tarot cards, to assess the levels of your chakras and further measure your energy as it relates to the four natural elements. 


These readings, and our work together on the whole, help me understand what kind of assignments to give you before our next session together. Usually, I ask that you build a personal altar at home. I might ask you to take a spirit bath infused with certain specific essential oils, based on the levels of your elemental energy. Or I might assign you a mantra to repeat every morning. Or perhaps what you need is some time in nature, or time to meditate, to focus on your own energy. The work that you do in between our times together will likely change after each session, as you grow and work toward your intended goals. 

And that concludes our first session! As our work together progresses, you’ll notice a difference in your connection to the world, in your own feeling of spiritual resonance and psychological wellness, as we tackle the impediments to your energy together and bring you closer to clarity. 

Now it’s time. Make the connection.

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