This week we will focus on the third chakra as part of our continuation in the Chakra Exploration Series on the Snow Wellness podcast, which you can stream for free here.
The third chakra, or solar plexus chakra, focuses on the idea of self-confidence. The third chakra is also called “manipura,” which means “lustrous gem” in Sanskrit.
Physically, the third chakra resides near your navel, right in the area of your solar plexus. (Unsurprisingly, metabolism and digestion are also governed by this chakra.) Your third chakra serves as the font of your own personal power—you can think of it as the house of your self-esteem, the place where your warrior energy emanates from. When you feel like a force of nature, odds are good you are activating your third chakra. This chakra also deals with the power of transformation, and the idea of coming into your own.
Accessing your third chakra means upping your sense of purpose, your feelings of determination and motivation. When you’re having difficulty accessing this chakra, you might feel your self-esteem flagging, or feel non-committal. Depending on how you deal with feeling low in general, you might also experience anger issues or a need for intense and unhealthy control in your life and relationships. Obviously, we want you to reach your full potential and not feel bogged down in this chakra, so I would recommend a dedicated breathing exercise to get back in touch with yourself, with who you are and what you stand for. We walk through this process in this week’s episode of the Snow Wellness podcast, so I would start there.
You can also concentrate on the idea of fire. As part of the solar plexus, this chakra really revolves around the idea of a flame within, a kind of driving fire beneath us that moves us to achieve, to reach our full potential. When you feel your flame guttering, either physically or emotionally, it’s a worthwhile exercise to focus your energy inside yourself, and engage that fire within you. What drives you? What is distinctly you?
Remember that you bring a specific heat to this world that is urgent and necessary, no matter how you might feel when your chakra is out of balance. Without you, the world would not be the same, and would in fact be worse off. Focus on what you carry within you. Focus on the strength inside. You can move mountains. You can build bridges. You can do anything, as long as you believe in yourself. That’s what the third chakra is all about.
Faith in yourself as a vital part of the world as it stands, of the world as the amazing place it could become.
Persevere. Push through. That’s what the third chakra asks of us. Will you rise to meet its challenge?