This week we will focus on the sixth chakra as part of our continuation in the Chakra Exploration Series on the Snow Wellness podcast, which you can stream for free here.  

The sixth chakra, also known as the third eye chakra, deals with intuition, visualization, and imagination. If your third eye chakra is aligned and in balance, you should feel especially perceptive and able to connect to the spirit realm to co-create your desires and dreams. Co-creating with the spirit guides helps you to develop patience. You reveal your desired outcomes to the Spirit Guides and patiently wait they work out the details that are in your highest and best good. Appropriately, the third eye chakra is positioned between your other two eyes, directly in the center of your eyebrows. If your third eye is misaligned, you may suffer from headaches, and have difficulty remembering things, or feel less creative than usual. The sixth chakra is possibly the most intriguing of the chakras since it deals in the realm of visions. Here are five key takeaways regarding the third eye chakra:

  1. The metal connected to this chakra is silver, the stones are amethyst and lapis, and the color is lavender. All of these are associated with clarity and imagination. 
  2. The seed sound of this chakra is OM, and the yoga posture is the shavasana, or the corpse pose. To get into shavasana pose, lie on your back with your legs spread as wide as the yoga mat and your arms relaxed to the side, and your eyes closed. Your whole body should be relaxed on the floor and you should have an awareness of your chest and abdomen rising and falling with each breath.
  3. It’s no mystery that edible hallucinogens such as psilocybin and ayahuasca are the foods associated with this chakra, since they open your third eye to the higher planes.
  4. The Hindu deity related to this chakra is Krishna, one of the most widely revered and most popular of all Indian divinities, worshipped as the eighth incarnation (avatar, or avatara) of the Hindu god Vishnu and also as a supreme god in his own right.
  5. The western entities associated with this chakra are angelic, the three realms of angels in particular: seraphim, paraphim, and cherubim. But the third eye’s governing angel is Gabriel. 

For a more in-depth discussion of the sixth chakra and a meditation to help tap into this chakra, please listen to this week’s podcast

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